Mil Spec 50 Cal Ammo Can Blank New

John Holcomb
Apr 05, 2015
Product rating stars (5 out of five)

Very good condition

Can arrived in excellent shape with an excellent seal with years of life. Often times the seals are hard and weathered. These appeared to be new. The tin can came with no stenciled letters, simply it's mil-surp in bang-up shape.

Very good condition

Dec 04, 2014
Product rating stars (5 out of 5)

good quality cans

i ordered 3 of these. they came in a huge box with barely whatsoever packing but they didnt seem to exist damaged. the paint isnt the best but they are stated on this site as "used". the seals work very good i had to use both handles to pull it open and they created the sound from when you open a glass jar. if y'all dont mind the pigment condition, these are definitely worth it. as well, i wouldnt naturally think to buy these on budk so i would assume they wouldnt have stock issues.

good quality cans

David Cagle
Oct 24, 2014
Product rating stars (5 out of v)

Set up.

I was glad to get the fifty cal. ammo can, I volition put it to work as before long as possible. I have some ammo that needs to exist in it. Plus it was a real buy at your web site.

Gear up.

Tim Madden
Feb 21, 2014
Product rating stars (5 out of 5)

Like new, don't think, just buy. I wanted this to shop ammo in, and I don't trust plastic containers to prevent sparks or moisture from creating an undesirable situation. These are good cans for a skillful price, I volition buy more when I need them and have the $.


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